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Don’t just take our word for it, here is what our clients say about their experience with Klearwell.


PTSD is an anxiety disorder that typically develops after
experiencing a traumatic, frightening or distressing event.


“I worked as a psychiatrist for over 30 years, I have had hundreds of hours of therapy as a client as well, but Klearwell’s treatment was like having 4 years of therapy in as many weeks. Klearwell’s therapy was able to address deep childhood issues that talking therapy previously had not been able to address.”


“After the treatment with Klearwell, for the first time in my life I don’t feel tense and wound up.”


“I couldn’t believe the difference the treatment has made, it’s indescribable, it’s absolutely unfathomable that this is possible”


My experience of KAP has been potentially life-changing. In a few short weeks, I have made more progress with some very long-standing issues than I had done with years of traditional therapy.


“I have spent 15 years in various forms of trauma therapy, nothing has helped. Ketamine treatment has repaired from within. I feel like a human being for the first time in my life. Now i can hold my own.”


“The treatment I experienced for trauma, anxiety and depression exceeded my expectations. I am so grateful for their help. It has made a real difference to my mental state after a lifetime of unsuccessful talking therapy and anti-depressants.

I cannot praise enough, the care, kindness and professionalism of nurse Karen and my therapist Dominic.”


“I’ve struggled with my depression my whole life. I’ve tried CBT, plain talking therapy, I’ve tried just about any antidepressant there is, and they were all just like a sticking plaster, coming off after a while and I was back to square one. And then I had the treatment at Klearwell and it was like a breath of fresh air. I just couldn’t believe it.”

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A mood disorder that may be described as feelings of sadness,
loss or helplessness.


“I just couldn’t believe it. It was like nothing I’ve ever tried before. I’ve got a completely new outlook on things. For me, it made all the difference.”


“Breakthrough treatment for me. Literally opened my mind allowing it to start to heal after being stuck in depression for years. I’ve felt a sense of peace that I never thought I would feel again. The staff are amazing.  Everyone was kind, generous with their time, knowledgeable and great communicators. I felt heard and safe at all times”


“I now know that I don’t have to completely obliterate or eradicate my depression. Depression and ‘Me’ are separate. The ketamine allowed me to glimpse this abstract concept in real-time and the talk therapy helped to cement it. Now, when difficult thoughts arise, I have techniques in my toolkit to deal with them which weren’t available to me before. I am learning to tune out of the doom and gloom radio station.”


“The combination of talk therapy and the ketamine was more powerful for me than talk therapy alone. During the ketamine experience, I was actually able to feel what it was like to be separate from my depression. This feeling of separation has been very useful to me in dealing with negative thoughts and would have been an impossible concept for me to grasp with talk therapy alone.”


“It showed me that it was actually possible for me to feel good.”


“When I started treatment I had lost all hope of ever being able to live normally again. Through the treatment, I have felt that I have been able to trust my psychologist, almost like he became a supporting member of my family. I have recalled past memories that I had long forgotten and through the ketamine sessions I was able to finally feel a sense of strength, determination and hope for a better life.”


“The treatment I experienced for trauma, anxiety and depression exceeded my expectations. I am so grateful for their help. It has made a real difference to my mental state after a lifetime of unsuccessful talking therapy and anti-depressants.

I cannot praise enough, the care, kindness and professionalism of nurse Karen and my therapist Dominic.”


My experience of KAP has been potentially life-changing. In a few short weeks, I have made more progress with some very long-standing issues than I had done with years of traditional therapy.


“I received a course of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) at Klearwell to address the recurrent, treatment-resistant depression that I have suffered from since my late teens. My experience at the clinic was excellent. At all times I felt that I was in a safe and caring environment. Working with my therapist, and with the assistance of the ketamine experiences, I was able to shift my mindset and break through mental barriers more in a few short weeks than I had been able to in years of traditional therapy. My therapist also equipped me with tools to help me maintain and build on the gains I have made.

It is still early days, but I feel that this treatment is potentially life-changing. My loved ones have all noticed that I’m much more engaged with life, and more present and positive since I had my treatment. I just wish that this treatment had been available to me 30 years ago.”


“I couldn’t believe the difference the treatment has made, it’s indescribable, it’s absolutely unfathomable that this is possible”


“I was naturally apprehensive of the treatment, but I was made to feel comfortable and at ease from the first appointment and looking back, I needn’t have been nervous at all.”


“Klearwell’s combination of Ketamine and Psychotherapy is the only treatment that has worked for me in what, up until this point, seemed like a lifetime of trying.”

Anxiety Disorders

A category of mental health diagnosis that leads to excessive
nervousness, fear, and worry.


I have struggled with anxiety and OCD most of my adult life.  I have been curious about psychedelic therapy for many years, and have always had the hope it could help me.  Psilocybin therapy was not advised for me given I’m on the highest dose of my SSRI, but I stumbled across Ketamine Assisted Therapy.  It took me a year to finally go for it, and I’m not only glad I did, but also pleased I went through with the right attitude.  When I first found Klearwell, I was desperate to be ‘fixed’, for my obsessive intrusive thoughts and behaviours to go away entirely.  (An attitude which, if you know anything about OCD, is close to the heart of the disorder…)  I eventually adjusted my mindset to: let’s see what this presents, if it can make me 5% better, it will be worth it.
It was worth it.  I feel such gratitude to the team at Klearwell, I felt physically and emotionally cared for, and safe to be vulnerable in both respects.  I had anxieties about the ketamine right before we started, and the team addressed these in a way that was reassuring but always honest.  They didn’t pretend there would not be challenges, and in fact, much of the value in the experience is in seeing what difficulties arise around and during the therapy.
My therapist, was exceptional.  She was experienced, wise and warm, and I will never forget our sessions.  I have done a fair bit of therapy in my time and I had a couple of experiences in the integration sessions that shifted my mind and body in a way I have been unable to before.  There is so much focus in the media on the drug-induced experience, however, I would say most of the value for me was in the integration sessions.
I would encourage anybody who senses it could help them to go for it.  Go in with an open mind as to what it will do for you – you will still be you, but there’s a chance something will shift inside to take away a small part of the shadow you are carrying.


“I couldn’t believe the difference the treatment has made, it’s indescribable, it’s absolutely unfathomable that this is possible”


“The treatment I experienced for trauma, anxiety and depression exceeded my expectations. I am so grateful for their help. It has made a real difference to my mental state after a lifetime of unsuccessful talking therapy and anti-depressants.

I cannot praise enough, the care, kindness and professionalism of nurse Karen and my therapist Dominic.”


The Klearwell staff were very hospitable and made me feel at ease from the minute I arrived. They made everything very clear from the outset and were keen to answer any questions I had. The therapy itself was very professionally administered and the staff were extremely attentive throughout every session. I would highly recommend Klearwell for anyone contemplating engaging their help, it was a very positive experience for me from beginning to end.”


My experience of KAP has been potentially life-changing. In a few short weeks, I have made more progress with some very long-standing issues than I had done with years of traditional therapy.

Eating Disorders

There are a few different types of eating disorders, including
anorexia, bulimia and binge eating.


“Incredible experience all round, very professional and treated well by all staff. The treatment was incredible leading to immediate step changes. My therapist was absolutely perfect, could not fault him.”


“A beacon of hope and healing. My experience at Klearwell has been nothing short of life-changing. I was enveloped by a serene and sophisticated environment that truly sets the stage for profound healing and transformation. A special shout-out to Rebecca, my therapist during the process, thank you.”

Alcohol or Drug Addiction

The use of alcohol or drugs in a compulsive way that is excessive
and harmful or hazardous to your health.


“The only thing I am looking back on now, is that I wish I had discovered Klearwell’s treatment earlier.”


“It helped family-wise, relationship-wise, in every single avenue of my life. It’s changed it.”


“I have not touched any alcohol since the beginning of the treatment and have not even been tempted. It has changed my whole life from seeing no way out and contemplating suicide to now being a sea swimmer, Coastguard, and hiker and I am now joining the ambulance service. I would never have dreamed my life would be the way it is now, and I am so grateful to you all for giving me the chance of life.”


“This has been a paradigm shift for me. I have realised how my trauma has had its reign on me my whole life, and withheld me from being the full ‘me’. I have lived in shame. Now I am going through a process of grief, but instead of this being a dark and lonely place, where substance abuse would be my only helping hand, I am deeply touched with thankfulness for everyone I know and pride in allowing me to be my fullest sense of self.”


“I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for the treatment, I can definitely say that.”

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